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The State Food and Drug Administration promulgated the measures for the administration of experts in the evaluation of health food and cosmetics

Published Date:10-09-2021    Source:    Author:  Viewed:645

On the 29th, the website of the State Food and Drug Administration announced the measures for the administration of health food review experts and the measures for the administration of cosmetics review experts. The two management measures aim to further strengthen the review of health food and cosmetics and standardize the management of health food and cosmetics review experts.

According to the two management measures, the State Food and drug administration is responsible for the employment and management of review experts, and establishes a health food review expert database and a cosmetics review expert database.

Among them, the health food evaluation expert database is composed of experts in food science and engineering, basic medicine, clinical medicine, public health and preventive medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, pharmacy, traditional Chinese medicine, chemistry and other related fields. The cosmetics evaluation expert database is composed of experts in cosmetics raw materials, formula and technology, health chemistry, microbiology, toxicology, dermatology, supervision and management and other related fields.

The main responsibilities of health food review experts include participating in health food review meetings, conducting technical review of health food products and putting forward review opinions; Entrusted by the State Food and drug administration to carry out research on policies related to health food registration; Carry out technical review and consultation of health food; Undertake other tasks in the registration technology of health food delivered by the State Food and drug administration.

The main responsibilities of cosmetic review experts include participating in cosmetic review meetings, conducting technical review of cosmetic products and putting forward review opinions; Entrusted by the State Food and drug administration to carry out research on policies related to administrative licensing of cosmetics; Carry out technical evaluation and technical consultation of cosmetics; Undertake other tasks in the technical review of cosmetics delivered by the State Food and drug administration.

Both management measures point out that the State Food and drug administration implements dynamic management of review experts, and the employment period of review experts is 5 years. After the expiration of the employment period, those who have passed the examination may be renewed.

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